Device Discovery Bonus Features: Export and Last Updated Devices Filter

Device Discovery Bonus Features: Export and Last Updated Devices Filter


We're pleased to introduce two new features that will streamline the device discovery process: Export and a Last Updated Devices filter. System integrators can now export a list of discovered devices and their associated points from the device discovery page, enabling better communication and transparency with clients. Additionally, the Last Updated Devices filter allows you to quickly identify previously updated devices, allowing you to pick up where you left off and continue making further updates efficiently.

What’s new?

Export: There will be an export button on Device Discovery on each page:

  • Conflicts

    • Will export devices or points with conflicts

  • New Devices

    • Will export the list of new devices or new points

  • Existing Devices

    • Will export the list of new points coming on existing devices

  • Point Updates

    • Will export the points that have updates including the information on what is updated

Last Updated Devices Filter: A new filter on the Devices Batch Update page will filter the devices based on the last updated time on device discovery. So if we updated devices on Device Discovery today, we can filter by today’s date to see those devices.

Why you’ll love it

  • Communicate Device Discovery Results: Now you can easily communicate back to the site team or contractors about what you’re receiving on device discovery that may be different from what you expected. 

  • Easily continue with further updates: If you update devices or points on device discovery, now you can filter for those points and continue with further updates such as assigning device types or templating.

Explore on your own

For instructions on using these features, reference the following articles: 

Need a hand?

Your feedback is essential as we continue to refine and enhance our platform's features. Should you have any suggestions or require assistance with using the new Export or Last Updated Devices Filter features, please reach out to our support team for help.

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