Discovering Devices

Discovering Devices

The goal of device discovery is to identify the equipment that has been integrated into a Data Source and to bring that data into KODE OS. Follow the below steps to help you discover your devices.

  • Navigate to a building of your choice through the “Sites feature in the left navigation bar.

  • Click on “Data Sources” from the main left navigation bar.

  • A list of all existing data sources will be displayed, along with a search bar to help you navigate through them.

  • Click on the three dots button which you can find on the far right of the search bar. 

  • A drop down list of options will appear, please click on Discover Devices to move to a new page which will provide you with the option to select the Data Source of your choice.

  • Once you’ve selected the Data Sources you wish to discover, click on Next and wait for the Device Discovery process to complete and the discovered devices to show up. Export
After a “Discover Devices” is done, there is an “Export” button on Device Discovery on each page:

Conflicts - Will export devices or points with conflicts
New Devices - Will export the list of new devices or new points
Existing Devices - Will export the list of new points coming on existing devices
Point Updates - Will export the points that have updates including the information on what is updated

Discover and Fix Unmatched Devices 

The device discovery will have 4 pages as tabs:

  • Conflicts - unmatched points.   

  • New Devices - new devices ready to be discovered on KODE OS. 

  • Existing Devices - devices already part of KODE OS and existing devices with new points.

  • Point Updates - all the points with new updates.

New Devices

To discover new devices into KODE OS go to the “New Devices” tab.

After the list of new devices is shown, you have the button to copy that device path if you want any particular search.
Also, you can expand the list to show all the points on that device.

You can also group by points by clicking on the “Grouped Points” button. On this view you will see the point name, and the option to expand and check the total devices with the same point.

To discover devices from the “Device List” view or “Grouped Points” view, select the devices and points you wish to discover and click on “Add to Database” button.

You can add devices how many times you want e.g. you pick 2 or 3 devices to add by clicking on “Add to Database”, then you can still add more if you want. 

We mark a device as ‘possible duplicate’ if we have found out that a device may already exist in the data base. You can go to “Conflicts” page where the device which is part of the database will be on the list and start the merging process.

Also, you can select all devices per page to make it easier selecting in bulk, and change the Lines per page which is in the bottom of the screen, you can show 10, 20, 50, or 100 (with limitation in 100 per page).

Existing Devices

After selecting the devices you want to add to the database, they are moved to the “Existing Devices” tab. 

Existing Devices is divided into 3 sub-tabs:

  • All - Devices discovered with all points.

  • New Points - Devices discovered with new points that have not been discovered. 

  • With Conflicts - Devices that have at least one unmatched point will be marked as ‘with conflicts’ and you won’t be able to add new points for them until solving the conflicts.


Conflicts (unmerged, possible duplicates) are devices or points that we have in KODE OS (discovered before) but we can’t find them in the data source anymore.

This can happen when we touch devices and points in the data source directly by renaming them, changing their location or deleting and adding them again (in the data source).

These points and devices that we can’t find in the data source are always down since we can’t communicate with them. 

Then since something has changed, on device discovery these points and devices come as new, if we add them we will create duplicated data within KODE OS.

Here are devices or points that we have discovered before in KODE OS, but you can’t find them in the data source anymore. It includes possible duplicates and unmerged devices. This happens when you change the location of a point, if you have renamed them, or if you delete one and bring it into the data source again. 

So, the conflicts tab shows the list of devices that have been rediscovered (coming as new devices). Expanding this list, will show the ‘unmatched’ devices. A device can have ‘conflicts’ if some of the points are ‘unmatched’.

Merge Device

To merge devices/points click on the 2 arrow (Match Points) icon. 

  • On the “Matchmaking” pop up page you will see all unmatched points. 

  • To Match devices click on “Add Device Match” button.

  • On the “Device Match Selction” pop up window select the device you want to match with.

  • Click on “Add”.

  • The “Auto Suggest Points” button will match the devices automatically, however you can also drag and drop the devices you would like to match. 

Global Auto-Suggest

If there are many unmatched devices, to speed up the process of merging them we have added the ability to initiate the process for all of them. The auto-suggest will try to find the matches for every unmerged devices.

When this process is initiated, we show a table and tell the results.

Clicking the Step-by-step Merging button, you can go through each device one by one, review and click Next.

This action will update the pairs in the database while the other points will remain untouched.

Info: Points that are paired will be updated in the database, unmatched points that are not paired or new ones won’t be touched through this process. 

Point Updates

Points updates page shows the existing points that have different properties (facets, writability or unit) from the last time we discovered them.

So if we previously discovered a point that had the unit as C and now someone changed the unit to F, that point shows up here and we can update it to KODE OS too.

The table will show what has been updated to each point and we can select and update them.

What can change on existing points:

  • Facets - For boolean or enum points, the facets (all possible values of a point) can change e.g Occ, Unocc → Occupied, Unoccupied.

  • Writability - The point can come as not writable (not a setpoint or command) and then later changed in the data source.

  • Unit - Unit can be updated and it doesn’t show on KODE OS until we update it from this page.

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