KODE Glossary

KODE Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



A device-reported occurrence for the attention and/or resolution by building management.


API allows different software applications to communicate and integrate, enabling data sharing, automation, customization, and extensibility.

Authentication Logs

A security feature available to Owners and Admins of a workspace that lists account access details for all members. Individual members can view access logs for their own account.


A space within a floor of a building which is affected by one or more components of a building system.


Acknowledging alarms refers to recognizing and responding to alarm notifications to ensure issues are promptly addressed.


Archived is used on FTT which means archiving specific test results when a wrong or unnecessary routine was run, making the data non-informative or useless.


This refers to the alarm's status. When the point has not returned to its normal state it will show up in red and the event will be active.


Alert is an alarm priority. It refers to the categorization of alarms based on their urgency and importance, determining the order in which they should be addressed to ensure timely and appropriate responses.


Assignees in a FDD policy refer to specific roles or users selected to receive notifications, with customizable options for different notification methods and escalation timings based on their roles.

Activity Log

A record that tracks user-initiated adjustments and commands made to equipment settings, detailing changes such as setpoints and variables, along with the reasons and priorities associated with each change.


The OSS Adapter customizes machine-learning optimization for HVAC systems by specifying devices and parameters such as zone temperature, cooling and heating setpoints, run status, and occupancy mode, ensuring tailored efficiency for each building's needs.


A feature that allows users to view real-time and historical data related to devices and points, enabling them to monitor and manage device status, point integrity, and building areas effectively.



A site integrated in KODE OS.

Building BI

In KODE OS, "Building BI" involves using internal tools to analyze and extract insights from integrated data.

Bool point

Bool as an enum value represents a boolean type binary point state such as ON/OFF, TRUE/FALSE etc.

Batch Update

Batch Update refers to the process of making simultaneous changes to multiple devices or points within the KODE OS, rather than updating them individually.

BIM Model

A digital graphic representation of a building that integrates detailed layouts, system components, and graphical representations of devices for enhanced design and management.



A catalog in KODE OS is a repository detailing the available APIs, including their endpoints, authentication methods, versioning, and usage limits.


Critical is an alarm priority. It refers to the categorization of alarms based on their urgency and importance, determining the order in which they should be addressed to ensure timely and appropriate responses.


Configs of FDD allow users to access and modify event settings, customize notifications, and manage incident priorities to stay informed about relevant events and updates.

Calendar Schedules

A Calendar Schedule allows users to manage exceptions like holidays and special events within a schedule, ensuring synchronized control of connected devices across a building using a calendar-style interface.

Circuit View

A graphical overview of system device placement and interactions within major systems.



An intelligent component of a building system which controls a specific function for one or more given areas (i.e. AHU, VAV, etc.).

Down device

A device that is currently non-functional or unable to communicate with the service, indicating it is offline or experiencing issues.


User interfaces that display key metrics, data visualizations, and performance indicators, providing an at-a-glance overview of critical information.

Data Source 

A Network Controller which interconnects multiple devices with KODE OS.


Discovery is the process of identifying integrated equipment from a Data Source and importing its data into KODE OS.

Device Types

Categories of devices that are integrated into the platform to manage and monitor the building's systems.

Discover Schedules

A Schedule Discovery involves identifying and managing schedules for connected devices, enabling creation, modification, and synchronization of schedules between KODE OS and the data source.

Deployment Audit

A comprehensive review of integration progress across buildings, providing detailed insights into configuration status and remaining tasks through visualized reports and statistics.

Dashboard View

A visual overview of all System Points presented on charts.



A device-reported occurrence for the attention and/or resolution by building management.

Edge Device

A Network Controller which interconnects multiple devices with KODE OS.

Email notification

You'll get email notifications when assigned on an alarm/event and the event has been triggered.

External Communication

Configuring and sending automated Work Orders to a CMMS system based on triggered alarms within KODE OS.

Event Class

Categorizes and manages notifications and monitoring configurations for specific types of events such as APIEventClass, Communication, HVAC, Fire, or Generator.


Export allows users to retrieve device history data in CSV format, providing detailed analysis and external sharing based on specific time intervals and aggregated functions.


Functional Testing Tool (FTT)

FTT (Functional Testing Tool) is a digital solution that automates the process of inspecting and verifying the functionality of building equipment, enabling continuous commissioning and remote validation beyond the initial commissioning phase.

Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD)

Fault Detection and Diagnostics, is a method for identifying specific device conditions based on comprehensive analysis rather than simple, instantaneous alarms or events.


Uploaded documents, typically floor plan, devices or systems files, that are used within the KODE OS Graphics module for creating custom graphics associated with specific areas, systems or devices.



An advanced in-house tool within KODE OS that enables users to create and customize System & Device Graphics and floor plans seamlessly, enhancing deployment speed and scalability with features like Smart Markers and zone drawing.



Chronological record of a device's past performance metrics, such as temperature trends, accessible and adjustable for analysis and optimization.

History Logs

Allows users to view, manage, and revert to previous versions of schedules saved in KODE OS.



A recorded event or issue, identifiable by an Incident ID and associated with specific buildings and routines, viewable and managed through sortable, customizable tables and detailed views within KODE OS.


A visual representation used to symbolize specific device types or values within a system or floor plan.

Idle Timeout

Idle timeout is the period of user inactivity within an active session, where if no activity occurs, the system automatically logs the user out to enhance security.


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Layers in a floor plan allow users to filter and view different types of devices and sensors, such as equipment and temperature sensors, by selecting corresponding tabs that display their specific locations.


The Legend option in the Floor Plan widget allows you to hide or show the icons legend for better visibility and understanding of different device points and their predefined thresholds.

Linked Device

A feature that allows users to associate and manage devices discovered in KODE OS with those added in myMSI, facilitating centralized control and synchronization through an interface where devices can be linked, filtered, and accessed from both systems.

Lockout settings

Lockout Settings temporarily restrict access to a user account after a specified number of unsuccessful login attempts, allowing customization of the number of retries before lockout and the duration of the lockout period.



A customizable visual element on floor plans that can be edited for size, color, text, and style to represent and distinguish different points and devices.

Marker Icons

The visual representation, customization, and styling of markers on floor plans.


Multifactor authentication (MFA) enhances security by requiring users to provide a second form of identification, such as a unique code from an Authenticator App or SMS, in addition to their standard login credentials.



A feature that allows users to upload photos, documents, and written observations related to system details and device configurations.


The process of delivering timely messages to designated recipients based on predefined rules and preferences, ensuring appropriate communication during events or situations.


Optimized Start Stop (OSS)

Minimizes energy use by starting equipment just in time, ensuring comfort by aligning zone temperatures with heating and cooling setpoints at specified times through adaptive machine-learning tailored to each building's data.


A structured framework inspired by Google Ontology that defines devices based on their operations and functionalities, aiming to standardize how information about buildings and equipment is represented.



A read or write function within a device (i.e. Temperature SetPoint, Current Temperature, On/Off, etc.).

Point Trends

Point Trends provides a detailed interface within Device Details, organizing device data into categorized points with visual representations of trends.

Point Kind

Refers to a data entity that can represent various types of information such as numbers (e.g., temperature readings), boolean values (e.g., on/off status), or strings (e.g., point values or descriptions).


Policies in the context of FDD involve configuring notification preferences including communication methods, message content, recipient groups, and escalation procedures to ensure timely and appropriate event management.


A structured initiative involving comprehensive functional testing across a building's multiple floors, automated to streamline scheduling and execution over extended periods.


Parameters are customizable settings within workflows that allow for easy adjustment of FTT variables without directly modifying the workflow itself.


Positioning equipment in specific locations within a building's floor plan.

Password configs

Refer to customizable settings like complexity requirements (e.g., character types), expiry times, password history retention, and session timeout settings.


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A visually depicted configurable algorithm designed to report on specific events while respecting all set parameters.


Are used to establish and manage relationships between different devices within a system, enabling connections like feeds, associations, and other specified interactions.

Refresh Cache

Resolves device connectivity issues by updating stored data, ensuring devices are accurately reflected as online.



Systematic process of testing a device's ability to maintain specified setpoints under different conditions.

Single sign-on (SSO)

SSO is a process that enables users to access KODE Labs using their corporate identity provider credentials, like those from Azure AD or Okta, without needing credentials for KODE.


A user-set timeline defining the behavior of a device during a set period of time.


A user-defined group of logically connected devices which are joined into a single view for easier management.

Shareable Link

Allows users to generate a link that enables easy sharing of widgets, including their data, via email, documents, instant messages, or websites.


Manage various Identity and Access Management (IAM) options, including adding and customizing authentication methods through an admin-controlled interface in Launchpad.

Session Timeout

The period during which a user's session remains active after logging in, automatically logging them out after a predefined period of inactivity to enhance security and protect sensitive information.



 Predefined structure that defines a device's essential functions and necessary components.

Target Slot

A configurable designation (ranging from 1 to 16) where specific devices or points are mapped within the scheduling system to control their behaviors or settings accordingly.

Table View

Allows users to visualize device history and performance data in a structured tabular format, facilitating detailed analysis and export capabilities in CSV format.

Test Connections

Quickly check the status of data sources, devices or points, displaying a green checkmark for those with good connections and a red exclamation mark for those without.

Trusted Organizations

External entities that your organization has established trusted relationships with, allowing for specific permissions and settings, such as MFA configurations, to be managed between them.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

A preference that requires you to use two-factor authentication for signing in to your account.



Events and incidents that have not been acknowledged by the assigned users.


A person who has an account created in KODE. 


Individual data inputs or devices (such as sensors or meters) that gather and transmit information about various aspects of building operations, such as temperature, energy usage, or occupancy.


Virtual Device

A user-created device which includes points from one or more devices into a single view for easier management.



Customizable components added to dashboards for quick access to specific information or functions.


Pre-configured logical sequences that streamline system configuration by allowing users to design and deploy algorithms or logical flows tailored to specific devices or buildings, 

Weekly Schedules

A Weekly Schedule allows users to set recurring operational times for devices connected within a building on a weekly basis, offering flexibility to adjust and manage routine operations efficiently.

Widget View

Allows you to visualize all System Devices and their Points.

Workspace domain

Your workspace URL is the web address your members will use to access KODE. The format for your Workspace URL is typically [companyname].kodelabs.com


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