We use Virtual Devices to separate grouped systems and devices. Virtual Devices can divide a single device into multiple parts for better use.
Navigate to Portfolio > Site > Devices, locate the specified device, and open it. Click on the Information icon, then enter Edit mode by selecting the pencil icon. Scroll down to the Tag field, add a tag named "PseudoDevice", and click Save. This tag will put the Device in the virtual devices and allow us to pull points from the tagged device into a virtual one.
2. Access Portfolio > Site > Devices, and click on Batch Update Devices located at the top right corner. From the menu that appears on your left side, choose "Virtual Devices":
From there a window will open for all the Devices that are tagged as PseudoDevice.
The Devices tagged as PseudoDevice are on the left side of the page, click on them and the points that are part of the devices will be dropped on the Device Points section.
This gives us the ability to split and move the points of the devices into new devices called Virtual Devices.
In the Virtual Devices section click on the plus icon from the right side:
A window will open from where you can add the details for the Virtual Device you are creating.
Fill in the Details with the Device Name, Location, Type, Area, and Tags, and click Create. Scroll down to the Virtual Device Bar and you will see the Virtual Device that is created.
To edit a Virtual Device, hover on the selected Virtual Device and click on the Pencil Icon . From there you will be directed to the Edit Virtual window.
To delete the Virtual Device, click on the Trash icon . From there the confirmation page for deletion will be displayed.
From the devices tab click on the device you want to pass the specific points to the Virtual Device and the Device Points window will be filled with all the points of the chosen Device.
Next, select the desired point to transfer to the Virtual Device. Check the corresponding checkbox, then click on Move(1). Ensure that you have the Virtual Device properly selected before proceeding. After clicking Move the point will be shown on Virtual Device Points, meaning that this point is now part of the Virtual Device.
To remove the selected point from the Virtual Device Points click on the checkbox icon and press the Remove Points. Points will be removed from the Virtual Device after confirmation is done.
After clicking Remove Points, a pop-up window will open for confirmation, click Yes to remove the point. This way all the points from a Virtual Device will come back to the original device.