VAV - Damper Min / Max

VAV - Damper Min / Max

This workflow will test a VAV box for its airflow when the damper is at its min and max position. 

  1. First, we display the initial conditions of the equipment. 

  2. Then we perform precondition checks to ensure the equipment is ready to be tested.

  3. Next we will close the damper. 

  4. Finally we will open the damper comparing to max occ cooling flow.

Outcome 🎯

This test will check a VAV boxes ability to produce adequate min and max airflow.

Recommended Schedule 📅

  1. Run weekly per floor. 

  2. Run when there are comfort complaints in a space or floor.

  3. Run when new VAV boxes are installed and programmed.


Point Requirements 📌


Discharge Airflow

Damper Command

Min Occ Cooling Flow

Max Occ Cooling Flow


Discharge Air Pressure



AHU Pressure > Min Pressure Threshold


  1. There is a variant of this workflow that will work without the AHU requirement.
  2. There is a variant that will work with “floating damper control” I.e. a boolean damper closed command 
    and boolean damper open command, but in this case we cannot control to a specific close/open percent (i.e. close to 5%, open to 95%).

Workflow Overview

Test Step



Pre-condition Check

  1. AHU Pressure > Min Pressure Threshold


Close Damper

  1. Control: Command Damper Closed

  2. Success: Airflow less then % of Max Occ Cooling Flow


Open Damper

  1. Control: Command Damper Open

  2. Success: Airflow greater than % of Max Occ Cooling Flow

Tuning Parameters

Test Step

Result Description


AHU Min Pressure

If AHU Pressure is less than this number, the test automatically archives


Damper Close Command

What % closed do you want to command the damper?


Close Damper Airflow Threshold

What % of the Max Occ Cooling Flow do you want to set as the airflow threshold when the damper is commanded closed? 


Damper Open Command

What % open do you want to command the damper?


Open Damper Airflow Threshold

What % of the Max Occ Cooling Flow do you want to set as the airflow threshold when the damper is commanded open? 


Max Sequence Duration

What is the maximum length of time in seconds that a sequence should take to execute?


Min Sequence Duration

What is the minimum length of time in seconds that a sequence should take to execute?


Stabilization Time

How long in seconds should the program wait when one sequence finishes, before moving onto the next?

If you need assistance with interpreting your results, reach out to the support team at [email protected]

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