Trusted Organizations

Trusted Organizations

Trusted Organizations are instances with which your organization has established trusted settings.

On the Trusted Organization page you will see 2 tabs:

  • Outbound

    • Outbound are organizations that can invite your users as a channel.

      • E.g. if you are a Channel Partner your Outbound organizations will be all of your clients that you have created.

  • Inbound

    • Inbound are KODE Labs Admin organization from where the KODE Labs has created your organization. 

    • You can update the MFA setup for an organization by clicking on the Pencil icon at the far right of the organization row.

    • The "Update MFA Setup" field in the "Inbound" tab provides options to select between "Inherited" and "Enforced."

      • Updating MFA setup to "Inherited" means guest users from that organization inherit MFA settings from
        their main organization.

      • Setting an MFA setup to "Enforced" obligates guest users from that organization to adhere to your
        organization's MFA settings.


Trusted Organizations Management

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