Schedules Discovery

Schedules Discovery

Schedules Discovery allows you to explore data sources and select which schedules to import into KODE OS.

Navigating and using Schedules discovery

There are two main ways to access Schedules Discovery:

  1. "Discover Schedules" button: Located in the “Schedules” module.

  1. "Discover" button: Located in the “Data Source” module.

Discovering Schedules

Clicking the “Discovery" button on the “Schedules" module and clicking the “Discovery" button from the “Data Source” module, will direct you to the same page. 

  • Clicking “Discover” will prompt you to the data sources list.

  • Select the data source from  which you want to discover schedules.

  • There will be two buttons at the bottom to initiate the discovery process.

    • The counts on the buttons represent the selected data sources that support the Device or Schedule discovery.

  • Clicking “Discover Schedules” will initiate the process and a progress popup will be shown at the bottom right.

  • On this page now you can see all the schedules that are coming from the data source where you performed discovery.

  • They are divided in two parts the “New Schedules” and “Existing Schedules” where you can click to the tab to switch the view.

    • New Schedules: Schedules that are discovered and not added to KODE OS yet.

    • Existing Schedules: Schedules added previously to KODE OS.

  •  Here you can search for a specific schedule by name or filter them out by using the tabs:

    • All: Shows all the schedules.

    • No time periods: Weekly schedules that do not have time periods setup.

    • No references: Weekly schedules that don’t have device references.

    • Duplicate references: Weekly schedules that have the same devices assigned in two or more schedules

  • You can also filter further by clicking on the “Filters” button on the right side to use the classic filter options.

Schedules discovery table view

  • The schedules discovery table view shows the list of schedules with information such:

    • Schedule Name and Path

    • Number of points

      • Points/device references

    • Current & Next Value

    • Type

      • Weekly or Calendar

    • Special Events

      • Number of special events

  • If you want to view the point references for a specific schedule, click on the down arrow button to expand the view.

Note: The orange icon next to schedule point reference indicated that the point does not exist in KODE OS. Adding the schedule to the database will not add that point since it does not exist in KODE OS.

  • In order to save or bring a schedule to KODE OS, select the one you desire on the check box, and click on the bottom blue button “Add to Database ''.

  • Click on the “Complete Discovery” button at the top right of the page to exit from the schedules discovery page.

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