Schedules Calendar view

Schedules Calendar view

The Schedules Calendar View provides a visual representation of schedules across various timeframes, enhancing visibility and planning.

This dynamic view allows users to:

  • Visualize Schedules: Switch between daily, weekly, and monthly views to manage schedules with both detailed and broad perspectives.

  • Plan around special events: Easily see how holidays and special events impact schedules, allowing proactive adjustments.

  • Streamline multi-schedule oversight: Compare multiple schedules side-by-side to understand overlapping activities and resource allocation.

Schedules Monthly view

The Monthly View is an addition to the current Schedules module which allows better visibility of schedules
across different and longer timeframes. 

Note: This doesn’t impact or change the weekly schedule functionality and behavior.
Monthly View is a view-only feature. Editing the schedule should be performed within the schedule details page.

Navigating Schedules Calendar view

The Calendar view can be accessed by navigating the Schedules module:

  • Go to KODE OS.

  • Select the site of your choice.

  • From the main left side bar select “Schedules”.

  • At the top of the “Schedules” page, you will see a “View switcher”:

    • Schedule Table View and 

    • Calendar View. 

  • Click on the “Calendar view” option to switch the view to the calendar view.

Calendar view

In the calendar view of schedules, on the left side there is a list of schedules where you can choose
the schedules that you want to be appeared in the calendar view:

  • Selecting a schedule it will be listed in the middle section, displayed as calendar events.

  • You can switch to different views like “Days”, “Weekly” and “Monthly”. See the breakdown of the views in the Schedules Calendar views section of this article. 

  • You also have the small calendar icon where you can click it and go to a specific date or scroll with the arrows. If you find yourself lost just click “Today” and the view will be set to the present day:

  • You can also use the search bar to find your schedule, and the results will be listed on the left pane.

  • Next to the search bar you have additional filters to be applied on the schedules that will be listed.

    • You can select the first drop down menu to select between Weekly schedules and Calendar schedules:

  • The schedule visible/hidden drop down menu allows you to filter them out according the view attribute:

  • Also there you will see the “Filters” button which offers you to apply different filters like Kind, Area:

  • To organize the view you can select what to be shown on the calendar view. You can select to view only “Weekly events”, “Special events” or to view them all.

Change your calendar view - day, week, or month

After you choose a new view, it becomes your default view until you change it.

Monthly View

  • The events for the selected schedules will show up for each day

  • If all the events can’t fit, there will be a “+… more” button that will show every selected schedule and their events.

  • The “alarm icon“ is an indication that the event is a Special Event.

  • You can click any schedule and go to schedule details.

Weekly View

  • Weekly View will show all days of that week and all events for the selected schedules.

  • Hovering over the name of the event will show the details for that event and the schedule.

  • Special Events will be highlighted with an orange color.

Daily View

  • The day view will show all the events for the selected schedules for that day.

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