Schedule functionalities that depend on the driver

Schedule functionalities that depend on the driver

In this article we will break down the functionalities and limitations of the Schedules Module that depend on the Niagara Driver installation.

Learn more about the Schedules Module Options and Features in this article.

Functionalities that are available when the driver is installed

  1. You will get to see the list of all schedules that have been created.

    1. Discover Schedules from the data source.

    2. Filter the list of schedules to see Hidden, Visible or All Schedules.

  2. Create Schedule

    1. You can create new schedules directly from KODE OS by clicking on the “+New Schedule” button. Check this article here to learn more about Creating New Schedules.

  3. Update Schedule

    1. Update Schedules time slots, add holiday schedules to the regular schedule and edit schedule properties by selecting the schedule of your choice from the list and then click on the “Edit Schedule” button.

  4. Edit Schedule Details

    1. Rename the schedule, assign an area to it by clicking on the 3 dots icon that shows up once hovering over each schedule name, from the drop down menu select “Edit Schedule” and you will be good to go.

  5. See the Next Value change date & time and the value

    1. On the “Next Value Change” column of schedules, you will get to see the next value that will occur, the date and time of occurrence as well as the value state.

  6. Delete schedule

    1. Only the schedules created on KODE OS can be deleted. Click on the 3 dots icon that shows up once hovering over each schedule name, from the drop down menu select “Delete Schedule”.

Schedule Details

  1. Create and Update Weekly Schedule Days

    1. Create and Update time slots on the Weekly Calendar by selecting the schedule of your choice and then clicking on the “Edit Schedule” button.

  2. Create, Edit and Delete Special Events

    1. Create and Edit time slots on the Weekly Calendar by selecting the schedule of your choice and then clicking on the “Edit Schedule” button. Go to the Special Events tab to add new events, edit or delete the existing one/s.

  3. Edit Schedule Properties

    1. Go to Properties tab to create, update and delete effective period

    2. Create, update and delete default value

    3. Create, update and delete point enums

    4. Create and update relations (Point referencing)

    5. Sync scheduling properties

Functionalities that are available when the driver is not installed

  1. You will get to see the list of all schedules that have been created.

    1. Discover Schedules from the data source.

    2. Filter the list of schedules to see Hidden, Visible or All Schedules.

  2. Update Schedule

    1. Update Schedules time slots, add holiday schedules to the regular schedule and edit schedule properties by selecting the schedule of your choice from the list and then click on the “Edit Schedule” button.

  3. You won’t be able to see the Next Value Change, Date & Time and the Value state.

Schedule details

  1. Create and Update Weekly Schedule Days

    1. Create and Update time slots on the Weekly Calendar by selecting the schedule of your choice and then clicking on the “Edit Schedule” button.

  2. You won’t be able to Add Special Events.

  3. From Properties tab - create, update and delete default value

  4. Create and Update Relations (Point Referencing) 

    1. Only Week references can be created if the driver is not there

Learn more about the Schedules Module Options and Features in this article.

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