23 April, 2024
Our latest update introduces powerful new features to streamline device discovery and management! The auto-suggest tool helps resolve conflicts and eliminate data duplication when adding devices and points. It’s easier to discover and update devices with options to select/deselect all, view grouped points, and sync point-level changes. These improvements deliver more efficient data intake and a smoother experience managing your connected devices.
Device Discovery Conflict Tools: New process on solving devices and points with conflicts. Conflicts (unmerged, possible duplicates) are devices or points that we have in KODE OS (discovered before) but we can’t find them in the data source anymore. We resolve these conflicts with the Merge devices, Auto-suggest, and global auto-suggest tools.
Merge devices - On each device, you can click the Merge button to start solving the conflicts found. You will either merge the points within the device OR merge it with a new device.
Auto-suggest - This button will match the points for you so you don’t have to manually do this process. It will either match a new device or it will match the points.
Global Auto-suggest - This feature will try to find the matches for every unmerged device. When this process is initiated, there’s a table with the results. This feature doesn’t save anything in the database, it tries to add matches. The user will still need to review + save the devices.
Eliminated Data Duplication: New points on devices that have conflicts will not be able to be added, eliminating data duplication.
Point Updates: You can update the point’s properties such as Facets/Enums, writability, and units.
New and Existing Devices Table Views: While bringing in new devices and updating existing ones, it’s easy to select all/deselect all, see grouped points, and add to the database with the New Devices and Existing Devices Tabs.
More Efficient Data Intake: It’s fast and easy to handle unmerged-points and devices with our new Auto-suggest feature that will match the devices and points in batch. Now points for the devices that have unmatched ones will not be able to be added to the database.
Easier to bring in and update devices: Enhanced capabilities on saving points in the database
Sync point changes from the data source such as Facets, Writability, and Units.
Auto-suggest & Global Auto-suggest: Access these features by starting to discover devices as before. It will automatically appear during the process under the Conflicts tab.
Update point properties: Under the Point Updates tab, you can select devices and see the ability to update point properties.
If you have any thoughts to share or need assistance, our support team is just a message away ([email protected]), ready to help you make the most of these new features.