Navigating to the Company Menu

Navigating to the Company Menu

Within the Company menu, you can access comprehensive information about a company, including its details, the associated user list, and any attached documents relevant to the company.


The Details section provides key information such as the company name, complete address, and contact person details, including their email address and phone number.


The Users section has all added users who have access to the myMSI environment. Within this list, you can easily review each user's full name, work positions, roles, emails, and phone numbers.

Moreover, this section lets you export the entire user list. Simply click the 'Export' button in the top right corner to initiate the process.


The Attachment section provides the capability to associate any document relevant to the company. You can Download, Edit, Delete or Add New Attachments.

To Add new attachments, simply click the blue button located in the top right corner labeled
“New Attachment”.

From there, you can easily attach any required document by selecting/dropping them from your computer. Once you select the desired folder or attachment, they will be available for use. 

After adding the attachment, you can either place it in an existing folder or create a new one specifically for that file.

You can also download attachments as a .zip file, edit, or delete them. The options for these actions are located on the right side. To perform any of these actions, start by checking the box next to the specific attachment, then choose the desired option.

Please note that if you don't select any folder or attachment the Edit, Download and Delete buttons will be greyed out and disabled.

Another alternative is to click on the three dots located at the end of each attachment, where you can access and make the necessary updates.

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