Navigating to Admin Panel

Navigating to Admin Panel

The goal of the Admin Panel is to show your Project details. From here you can see System and Device Types for Subcontractors, Communication Protocols, and you can add Task Templates, and Custom Fields.

Click on the profile icon to navigate to the "Admin Panel" feature from the left side bar.

A page will be displayed including the option to navigate to System Types, Device Types, Communication Protocols, Task Templates, and Custom Fields.

System Types

On the System Types page, you can view the list of existing system types. These types can be selected when you create systems on the "New Integrations" of the project page. 

Device Types

On the Device Types page, you can view the list of existing device type. Also here you can choose these types when setting up systems on the "New Integrations" section of the project page.

Communication Protocol

On the Comm. Protocol page you can view the list of existing communication protocols.

If there is a need to add an additional System Type, Device Type, or Communication Protocol, please contact [email protected] to make the request.

Task Templates

On the Task Templates module, you will access the list of all tasks and the number of subtasks associated with each task. This template can be used at all projects without the need to add the same task manually on each project. 

Navigate to the Task Templates by selecting the Admin Panel module from the main left navigation bar. 

Navigate to the Task Templates by selecting the Admin Panel module from the main left navigation bar. 

On the first page, you will see the list of all tasks from where you can:

  1. Filter the list by clicking on the “Filter” button.  
  1. Add a new task template by clicking on the “+ Add Task Template” button.

Clicking on a task name will take you to the Task Details page. Here, you'll see all the important information about the task, with a list of its subtasks at the bottom for easy management. 

From the details page, you can:

  1. Edit the task, by changing the System type , title or editing the Description.
  2. Delete the task, by clicking on the trash button.


You can add a new Subtasks by clicking on the “+Add” button located on the right side of the Task.

To Edit or Delete a subtask, click the three dots at the end of the row for the specific subtask.

To Reorder them, just drag and drop using the six-dot button to move them to your desired location.

Custom Fields

This feature allows users to add custom fields to assets, enabling the collection of specific information beyond what is available in the platform's default fields This enhancement is focused on providing flexible solutions for comprehensive asset management. 

To add custom fields click on the “
+ New Custom Field” button: Then follow these steps:

  • Select the Field Type. For example select “Text

  • Fill in the required fields.

    • Module

    • Name

    • Options

  • Click on “Create” and the new field will display on the module you have selected.

  • Once you hit on “Create”, you will be prompted to the Custom Field Details.

    • From here you can Edit and Delete the field you have created and/or “Context” Details.

    • If you have selected the System Module, by default the “Context” will apply to all systems. However, you can add 

    • New Context and apply it to specific System Types, by clicking on “+ Add Context” button.

Custom Field Types

  1. Text Input: Provides a single-line text box for user input, limited to 255 characters.
  2. Long Text Input: Creates a multi-line text area for extended text entries.
  3. Number: Generates a floating number input with validation.
  4. Select List: Allows the selection of a single value from a predefined list.
  5. Multi-Select List: Permits the selection of multiple values from a list.
  6. Checkboxes: Enables the selection of multiple values from a list.
  7. Radio Buttons: Facilitates the selection of one value from a list.
  8. Date Picker: Lets users select a specific date.
  9. Date-Time Picker: Enables the selection of both a date and a time.

Edit and Delete and Add Contex to Custom Fields

To Edit an existing field, simply click the pencil bottum to enter the editing mode. This allows you to make changes to the content directly within the field. Once you’ve made your edits, make sure to save the changes to update the field accordingly.

If you need to
Delete a field, click on delete button located on the top right. Confirm the deletion when prompted to remove the field and its contents.

If you want to add more content to a field, locate the “Add Context” button on the right side of the interface. Clicking this button will allow you to enter additional information. After adding the new content, remember to save your changes to ensure that the new information is included in the field.

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