Navigating through KODE OS features

Navigating through KODE OS features

KODE OS navigation is organized into two primary ways. The left hand navigation bar provides access to modules and functionality. And then within each building there are widgets guiding you to details of the building operation. Below we walk through each major navigational component.

Main Page - Sites

  • Once you log into the platform the page you land on is the Sites page.
  • The Sites page includes all building cards and allows you to navigate to building dashboard pages. 

Building Cards

  • Building Cards display the name of the Building, status of device, and active events in a specific building.

  • Clicking on the Device Down button will directly take you to a list of filtered down devices.

  • Clicking on the Active Events button will directly take you to a list of active events in the Events Dashboard.

Search for Buildings

  • To go to a building of your choice you can search for buildings on the search bar located in the top right of the building card list.

  • Next to the search bar, you will find a sorting button. Clicking on that button allows you to sort by Active Events and Down Devices.


  • Click on the Dashboard icon to navigate to the insights feature. 

  • Click through the different tabs at the top of the page to get to different types of insights.

  • Click on the three dots button on the top right corner to Add new dashboards, add new widgets or edit existing ones.


  • The Sites page also includes the map view.

  • Clicking on the address of a building in the building card will take you to the pin of that location.

  • Clicking on one of the pins will show the building card on which you can click to get to the Building Dashboard, as well as what type of events are active in that specific building.

Left side navigation bar

  • You can navigate to all features through the left navigation bar.


  • Clicking on the Clock icon will take you to the Schedules Feature

  • A menu of buildings will open up on the left side. Clicking on a building will display devices that have schedules discovered for them.

  • Clicking on each of the existing schedules will display a menu. In this menu the users can view, add, edit, and/or remove specifics for each scheduler. 

Search Bar in Schedules

  • You are able to search for points you want to adjust/create the schedule for through the search on the top of the list of points.

Discovery in Schedules

  • Clicking on the Discovery button on the top right will initiate a discovery of all devices that have embedded scheduling functions.

Calendar in Schedules 

  • Clicking on the Calendar button on the top right will display a calendar view of existing schedules. The calendar can be displayed in a monthly, weekly, daily, and list view.  

Ignored Schedules

  • Clicking on the Eye icon will show points that were previously ignored. 


  • Clicking on the Bell Icon will take you to the Events Feature

Active Events

  • On top of the page, you have four cards showing all active events in their respective categories; critical, warning and alerts. In all of these cards you will also see the number of acknowledged (abbreviated as Acked) and unacknowledged (abbreviated as UnAcked) events.


  • Below the event cards you will find a number of filters as drop down menus from which you can select: Type, Class, Status, Acknowledgement and Time Period. These options will filter out the events list below them. 

Three Dots Button

  • Clicking on the three dots button will give you two actions:

    • Create Events

      • This gives you the ability to create and configure events of your liking from existing routines.

    • Routines

      • This gives you the ability to view all the routines available in KODE OS, as well as to edit them to your liking.


  • Click on the page & magnifying glass icon to navigate to the Audit Feature.

  • A menu of buildings will open up on the left side. Clicking on a building will display audit logs that have been created for a specific building.

  • A menu of Audit Logs will be displayed on the right side showing all audit templates created for that specific building.

  • Clicking on the three dots button will give you the ability to Add New Template, Edit Template, Export CSV, and Delete Template.

    • When adding a new template you will be given the option to add it for Multiple Buildings or This Building.

    • After giving the Audit template a name and a description you will be shown filters, to help you select the devices and points (Entities and fields) of your liking.

Search bar in Audit

  • On top of the list of the audits you are able to search the type of device through the search bar.

Graph View

  • Click the button on top right to enable the graph view of Audit Logs.

  • Click the graph button next to any of the points you wish to see to enable their graph on the right side of the page.

Three dots button 

  • Clicking on the button on the top right displays available settings for the Audit page.

  • This allows you to export the selected data as a CSV file and to change the template of data being presented in the audit.

  • Through this button you are also able to add a new template or delete an existing one.


  • Click on the Notepad with a check Icon to navigate to the FTT feature.

  • The list of all tests that have been run will appear

  • Run a new test immediately or schedule one by clicking on the tree dots at the top right hand corner of the page and by selecting Jobs from the drop down menu > and then + Create Job.

    • Select the devices you want to run the test for, the Workflow and click on Save.

  • Edit the Workflow, the logic block to run the testing tool, by going to the FTT page and clicking on the three dots at the top right hand corner of the page > select Workflows > on each workflow you will see three vertical dots and the edit option on the drop down menu.

    • To create a new Workflow click + Create Workflow.


  • Click on the profile and arrow icon to navigate to the Access Feature.

  • Search for Access Requests through the search bar on top of the Access list.

Access Filter

  • Click on the filter button on the top right to filter requests by Status or Building.

Request Access

  • Click on the button on the bottom right to request access to a specific building and fill in all required information.

Access Archives

  • Click on the Archive button on the far top right to show archived/expired Access Requests.


  • Click on the profile icon to navigate to Admin Feature.

  • A menu will be displayed on the right including the option to navigate to:

    • Buildings

      • A list of all buildings will appear.

      • Once you have selected a building of choice, you will see four options on the top right of the screen:

        • Details - you can see and edit all building information.

        • Areas - you can see and edit building areas.

        • Users - you can see and edit all building users.

    • Users

      • A list of all users will appear.

      • To add a new user, click on the plus icon on the bottom right, input the user details and click on Save.

      • Once you have selected a user of choice, you will see two options on the top right of the screen:

        • Details -  you can see user details.

        • Buildings - you can see all buildings that the user is assigned to.

    • Device Types

      • A list of all device types will appear, you have the ability to edit existing types or add additional ones.

    • Units

      • A list of all units available in the platform will appear, you have the ability to add a unit or delete any of the existing ones.

    • Tags

      • A list of all device tags will appear, along with their descriptions. You have the ability to add new tags as well.

    • Events

      • A list of event classes, their descriptions, and user roles which are assigned by default to them, will appear. 

      • On the top right, you have the ability to switch tabs, and go to the Types section, to view all event types available, as well as add new ones through the plus icon on the bottom right.

    • Marker Icons

      • We have added a list of Default Icons on the KODE Library tab for each device type and status, which you can use in floor plans and system graphics. However, you can also add your customized designs through our Custom Library tab. 

      • Each icon visualizes a specific value/state according to the given range, which you can customize your own designs through the Custom Library tab. 

      • On the All Icons tab you will see all the available icons that you can use. 


Click on the Notification button to view all Event Notifications coming through for the buildings you're assigned to. 

Provide Feedback 

Click on the Question Mark button to navigate to the Knowledge Base or Provide Feedback to our team.  

User Profile

  • Click on the User Profile button to navigate to your User Profile details.

  • Click on the Manage Account button which will take you to a page where you can manage all of your account details through the General Information.

    • Click on Session to view your login session, and end any of the active sessions 

  • Click on the Switch Organization button on the top right to navigate to any other organization you are assigned to. 

  • Click on the Logout button on the top right to log out of KODE OS.

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