myMSI Glossary

myMSI Glossary

This glossary provides definitions of common terms and features you'll encounter while using myMSI, designed to streamline your project and organizational management workflows.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



  • Specific sections within a property are managed in myMSI, detailing locations or zones within a building or site.

Admin Panel

  • The section in myMSI for managing project details, including creating system and device types, communication protocols, task templates, and custom fields.


  • Files and documents associated with projects or entities in myMSI, allowing users to upload, manage, and download relevant materials.


Building Name

  • Identifies the specific name of a building associated with a project in myMSI, used for reference and organization.



  • Individuals or organizations associated with a partner or contractor in myMSI, managed under the Partners section.

Communication Protocols

  • Specifications in myMSI defining rules and conventions for communication between devices or systems, ensuring compatibility and data exchange.

Company Section

  • Area in myMSI providing comprehensive information about a company, including details, users, and attached documents.


  • Individuals or companies hired to perform specific tasks or services within projects managed in myMSI.



  • The primary interface of myMSI upon login, providing an overview of project statuses, task progress, timelines, and other relevant project data.

Device Profiles

  • Configurations and specifications that define devices used within myMSI projects, detailing their settings and capabilities.


  • Equipment or tools used in myMSI projects, including details such as device names, types, manufacturers, and installation status.

Details Section

  • Provides essential information about entities within myMSI, such as company details, project specifics, and user profiles.



  • Functionality in myMSI that allows users to download data, such as client lists, project details, and task information, in various file formats for external use.


FTT Score

  • Measures the Functional Test Tool (FTT) integration progress for devices in myMSI projects, ensuring functionality and compliance.



  • Devices in myMSI that serve as interfaces between different systems or networks, facilitating communication and data transfer.


Integration Checklists

  • Lists in myMSI that outline tasks and requirements for integrating devices or systems, ensuring proper setup and functionality.



  • Organizations or entities collaborating with myMSI users, managed under the Partners section for client relationship management.

Progress Overview

  • Provides a comprehensive view of project performance metrics in myMSI, including completed activities, milestones, and project status.


  • Initiatives or undertakings managed within myMSI, involving tasks, timelines, and specific project-related details.


Sites Section

  • Area in myMSI where users can view and manage details of properties or locations associated with projects, including addresses, team members, and device configurations.

System Types

  • Classifications in myMSI that categorize different types of systems used in projects, facilitating organization and management.


Task Templates

  • Predefined templates in myMSI that outline tasks and subtasks commonly used across projects, ensuring consistency and efficiency in project management.

Team Members

  • Individuals assigned to specific roles within projects managed in myMSI, facilitating collaboration and task allocation.


  • Activities or assignments within projects in myMSI, categorized and managed to achieve project objectives.


  • Predefined structures or formats in myMSI used for creating consistent documents, reports, or project plans.


  • Chronological representation of project milestones, tasks, and deadlines in myMSI, aiding in project scheduling and management.



  • Individuals with access to the myMSI platform, each assigned roles and permissions to perform specific actions and tasks.



  • Interface or display in myMSI presenting specific data, details, or information relevant to users' needs and tasks.



  • Components in myMSI providing visual representations of data, metrics, or summaries related to projects, tasks, or performance.

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