Ontology Updates: May 2024

Ontology Updates: May 2024

This month, we're expanding our ontology into the IT domain with networking-related devices, adding a new canonical type to the HVAC domains, and updating the External Weather, Solar Panel, and Electric Meter canonicals.

Information Technology 

New! Canonical: Networking Device (networkingDevice)

  • Included in definition

    • Device Temperature Monitoring

    • Run Statistics Monitoring

    • Computer Resource Utilization (CPU & Memory)

    • Alarms

New! Canonical: Computer Device (computerDevice)

  • Included in definition

    • Device Temperature Monitoring

    • Run Statistics Monitoring

    • Computer Resource Utilization

    • Drive Mounting Status

    • Alarms


New! Canonical: Air Compressor (airCompressor)

  • Included in definition

    • Discharge Air Pressure Control

    • Enable Control

    • Run Statistics Monitoring

    • Run Monitoring

    • Run Command Control

    • Alarms

Update to AHU (ahu)

  • add Face/Bypass Damper Control

Update to all zone temperature controlling devices:

  • add Local Thermostat Setpoint Limits


Update to External Weather (externalWeather)

  • add Solar Irradiation

  • add Illuminance Level


Update to Solar Panel (solarPanel)

  • add Solar Inverter, which includes:

    • Total Solar Energy

    • Input Line (Input Current, Voltage, & Power)

    • Battery Energy Transfer Monitoring


Update to Electric Meter  (electricMeter)

  • add Total Energy Grid Import/Export

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