Mass Write Schedules

Mass Write Schedules

Introducing Mass Write Schedules

The new "Mass Write Schedules" feature allows users to batch edit multiple schedules at once. This feature is particularly useful for making widespread adjustments, such as changing the start or end times across several schedules due to seasonal shifts or changes in tenant contracts. Additionally, it enables the addition of special events for holidays to multiple schedules simultaneously.

Use Cases

  1. Seasonal Time Adjustments:

    • Change the start or end times of multiple schedules to accommodate longer or shorter daylight hours during different seasons.

  2. Contract Changes:

    • Update schedules based on new agreements with tenants, such as adjusting operational hours for different lease terms.

  3. Holiday Management:

    • Add special events to multiple schedules to turn off devices during holidays when buildings are not occupied.

  4. Building-Wide or Portfolio-Wide Changes:

    • Implement changes to all schedules within a building or across an entire portfolio, ensuring consistency and saving time.

  5. Emergency Adjustments:

    • Quickly modify schedules in response to unexpected events or emergencies, such as a building-wide shutdown.

Comparison to Single Schedule Control

Without the Mass Write Schedules feature, each schedule must be individually edited, which can be highly time-consuming and prone to errors, especially in large buildings or portfolios with many schedules.

Benefits of Mass Write Schedules

  1. Efficiency:

    • Significantly reduce the time required to make changes by editing multiple schedules at once.

  2. Consistency:

    • Ensure uniform changes across all schedules, reducing the risk of discrepancies and manual errors.

  3. Scalability:

    • Easily manage and update schedules across large buildings or entire portfolios without the need for repetitive, individual adjustments.

  4. Flexibility:

    • Quickly respond to changes in occupancy patterns, tenant needs, or unexpected events with minimal effort.

By using the Mass Write Schedules feature, building operators can streamline their schedule management process, ensuring that all devices operate efficiently and in accordance with the latest requirements and conditions.

Detailed Instructions

How to enable access

Mass Write Schedules will be disabled by default for every role in an organization(e.g, to enable it:

Go to Launchpad -> Apps -> KODE OS -> Roles -> Pick your role or any role that you want to enable it to -> Edit

-> Check these two permissions shown on the screenshot above

  • Get schedules latest configs (this will enable the module)

  • Initiate schedules mass write (this will allow the users to initiate a mass schedule write)

-> Click Save

The Mass Write Module will show up in the Portfolio view for that organization to the users that have that role.

Accessing Mass Write Schedules

The Mass Write Schedules feature is accessible from the portfolio level view of the KODE OS app.

  • On the portfolio view page, you will see Jobs split into Schedules and Points (Points is another mass write feature which is explained in another document)

  • Navigate to the Schedules tab

Viewing Previous Mass Write Actions

When you visit this module for the first time, there will be nothing shown on the list. Once you start using this feature you will see the previous mass write actions (Jobs) listed here.

This will be covered later in the document.

Using Mass Write Schedules

To start the process of writing multiple schedules, -> click on the “Write Schedules” button and you will be navigated to this page:

Selecting sites (buildings)

To see the schedules, you should use the filters on the left panel first to pick a site or multiple sites:

  1. You can filter sites by:

    1. Country

    2. State

    3. City

    4. Building

  2. Once you pick the site(s) click Apply

There is no limit to how many sites you can pick.

Selecting schedules

Every Weekly Schedule (excluding Calendar schedules) is shown on the list according to the filters.

  1. Use the Filters button at the top right to filter schedules based on:

    1. Data source type

    2. Schedule type

  2. Selecting schedules

    1. Filtered schedules appear in a table where you can select/deselect them.

    2. All schedules are selected by default. Deselect schedules you don’t want to write.

    3. Deselect all works only for the schedules shown on the current page (100 schedules by default).

    4. You can select multiple point types and kinds simultaneously.

  3. Once you confirm that the desired schedules are selected, -> click Continue to Set Values

Please note that the schedules can’t be removed from the list on later steps of the process. Ensure that only desired schedules are selected.

Creating the Temporary Schedule

Configuring the Job

  1. Provide a Job name

    1. This information is needed because here we will create a “Job” for tracking progress and reviewing it  later.

Update Type

The Schedule Type input allows you to pick what do you want to update:

  • Weekly

    • In case you want to update only the Weekly schedule to the selected schedules

  • Special Events

    • In case you only want to add special events to them

  • Both

    • If you pick Both, make sure to add both weekly time-slots and special events, otherwise you can’t continue further

If you pick Weekly, the special events won’t be touched, the same applies to Weekly if you only pick Special Events.

The next option to pick is very important,  Update Type:

  • Append

    • Adds the update (weekly or special events) to the current state of the selected schedules

    • So if a special event already exists in the schedules, it doesn’t delete them and will simply add the new ones you will add here

    • The time slots on the weekly schedules will simply be added on top of those that exist

  • Replace

    • This will replace the Weekly or Special Events or both(depending on what you pick for Update Type) on all the selected schedules with the changes you do here

    • Use this only if you want to reset everything with the schedule you apply here

Please use the Replace option with caution, the changes or the selected schedules are not revertible after you complete the update.

If you are adding special events, there will be another input field Priority, which lets you pick between Top and Bottom. If the schedules you are updating already have special events, this will either add the new ones at the top of the list (higher priority) or at the bottom of the list (lower priority). The priority only applies if two special events have the same date.

Temporary Schedule

After you choose the options above, the schedule screen will show up:

  • If you have picked Weekly, you will only see that calendar view

  • If you have picked Special Events, only the view to create special events will show up

  • If Both, then calendar view and special events will show up spit into 2 tabs

Setting Time-slots for Weekly

Here you will create a “temporary schedule”  which will be applied to the selected schedules that you picked to update.

In this step, you will only add the time slots (e.g 8:00 to 16:00), the values for those times (e.g Occupied/Unoccupied) will be added on the next step.

  • If the update type is Append, these values will be simply added to the schedules on top of the time-slots they already have

  • If the update type is Replace, all the time-slots of the selected schedules will be replaced with these ones that you set here

    • Days left blank here will be deleted from the schedules

Adding Special Events

Adding special events here is the same flow as adding them on specific schedules within KODE, you should:

  • Create the special events by picking different options that exists for special events

  • Add the time-slot for those special events (e.g 00:00 to 24:00)

Values for the special events will be added on the next step.

-> Once you are done with setting time-slots, click Continue to Set Values

Adding Values

On this screen, you will see the same temporary schedule on the right side. 

-> To add values:

  • Click on a timeslot within the weekly schedule, or

  • Click on a special event, and then click on the timeslot

The schedules will show as grouped on the left hand side, we have grouped the schedules based on:

  • Schedule type - Boolean, Enum, Numeric, String

  • Schedule facets

    • Facets are possible schedule values that are set for each schedule

When you pick a time-slot, you will see schedule values on the right side grouped based on similarity and schedule type.

Pick the values for each group you want to set to the schedules for that time-slot:

  • You should pick one value for each group

  • This is applicable only for the selected time-slot, you should repeat the process for each, or

    • -> Click Apply to all, this will apply the same values to all time-slots of the weekly schedule

  • The same process of picking the time-slot and setting values should be done for the Special Events if there are any.

-> Click Save button at the bottom of left panel

To see which schedules are part of that group, please click the counter next to each group name.

The Save button at the top right will be disabled until you add values for all the time-slots on Weekly and Special Events.

Applying the Updates

To finish the mass update on schedules, please:

-> Click on the Save button at the top right

Please make sure that only the desired schedules are selected to be updated, you can’t revert the changes after you press Save.

After clicking Save, we will start the process of updating all those schedules. 

You will be navigated to the “Job” details page where you can see the progress.

Job Details Page

On this page you will see the progress of the mass write process. 

Job details shown on the left panel include:

  1. Creator and creation time

  2. Number of schedules processed

  3. Success and failure counts

The right section shows you the same groups and their success and failure rates.

Click on the blue counts to see the actual schedules of the groups.

  1. View schedule groups and click on the count to see details of successes and failures.

  2. Jobs are listed on the main Mass Write page for future reference.

This “Job” will be part of the main list of the Mass Write page for you to see it later if needed.

Please contact [email protected] for further details or information.

Thank you!

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