KODE OS Connectivity

KODE OS Connectivity

KODE Labs is responsible for maintaining our end of the VPN tunnel and ensuring the uptime of our software. This includes the ability to log in and access our platform without any issues.

The connectivity stack for KODE OS involves a series of components that work together to ensure seamless communication between your devices and our platform. Let's explore each component in detail:

1. Device:

The device refers to the physical equipment or system that is part of the building automation setup. It could be sensors, actuators, controllers, or any other device responsible for collecting data or performing actions.

2. Controller:

The controller acts as an intermediary between the devices and the rest of the connectivity stack. It gathers data from the devices, processes it, and sends it to the next component in the chain. The controller also receives instructions or commands from higher-level systems or users and relays them to the devices.

3. Gateway/BMS/Server:

The gateway, Building Management System (BMS), or server is a central component that aggregates data from multiple controllers or devices. It acts as a hub for data collection, storage, and management. The gateway/BMS/server may have additional functionalities such as data analysis, scheduling, and integration with external systems.

4. VPN to KODE OS:

To establish a secure connection between the gateway/BMS/server and our platform, KODE OS, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is utilized. The VPN creates an encrypted tunnel over the Internet, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data transmission. This allows the gateway/BMS/server to securely communicate with the KODE OS platform, regardless of their physical locations.

Connectivity can fail at any point in the connectivity stack. Various factors can contribute to connectivity issues, including hardware failures, network disruptions, misconfigurations, or software glitches. When connectivity issues arise, our dedicated team promptly engages in thorough troubleshooting processes to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions. We're dedicated to fix any connectivity issues ASAP, so you can count on a smooth and reliable connection. That way, you can make the most of all the features on the KODE OS platform. While KODE OS offers to report on the connectivity of your equipment, it is important to note that it rarely serves as the root cause of connectivity issues.

Connectivity failures

Connectivity failures can indeed occur at any point in the connectivity stack, and there are several potential causes for such issues. Here are some common scenarios:

1. Device-related issues: Faulty sensors that cease to read data, loose wires, or misconfigurations within the device itself can result in connectivity problems. Regular maintenance and inspections are essential to identify and address these issues promptly.

2. Controller-related issues: Loose wires or improper connections between the controller and the device or gateway can lead to connectivity disruptions. Ensuring secure and stable connections is crucial for reliable communication between components.

3. BMS Server-related issues: The BMS server may encounter various challenges, such as being unplugged, offline, experiencing reboots, credential changes, or changes in the IP address of the router (in residential properties). These issues can impact the connectivity within the system and require appropriate troubleshooting measures.

It's important to note that KODE Labs takes responsibility for maintaining their end of the VPN tunnel, ensuring secure and uninterrupted communication between the gateway/BMS/server and the KODE OS platform. Additionally, KODE Labs is committed to maintaining high uptime for their software, guaranteeing users' ability to log in and access all platform functionalities with a 99.99%+ uptime rate.

While KODE Labs assumes responsibility for managing the VPN tunnel and ensuring optimal software performance, it is imperative for you to also proactively examine any potential device, controller, or BMS server issues that might contribute to connectivity failures from your end. Working together with our clients we can really make a difference when it comes to sorting out connectivity issues. By joining forces, we can diagnose and fix problems faster, making sure your building automation systems perform at their best.

Let's analyze the common scenarios and their relation to potential connectivity failures and root causes:

1. Point down on some devices: This scenario suggests that specific devices are experiencing connectivity issues and are unable to transmit data. Possible causes could include faulty sensors, loose wires, misconfigurations, or even temporary network disruptions affecting those devices.

2. One device down: If an additional device goes offline, it could indicate a localized issue with that particular device. Loose wires, power supply problems, or device malfunctions may be the root causes. Troubleshooting and inspecting the affected device can help identify and resolve the connectivity failure. If

3. Single data source down When a single data source goes offline, it could result from issues with the device, controller, or the connection between them. Loose wires, misconfigurations, or failures in the data transmission process may be responsible. Troubleshooting the specific data source and its associated components can help restore connectivity. If the problem persists after troubleshooting from your end, please contact KODE Lab support for further investigation.

4. All data sources & devices down at a property: If all data sources and devices at a property are offline simultaneously, it suggests a more significant connectivity issue. Potential causes could include power outages, network infrastructure problems, or a malfunctioning BMS server. Investigating the property's overall network connectivity and inspecting critical components is necessary to identify and rectify the issue. If you are having any regular maintenance or incidents that may occur on your side we would kindly request that you consider implementing a notification/email to KODE Labs support to keep us informed.

5. Platform does not load: If our platform doesn't load properly, it will affect your ability to access data, generate insights, and perform crucial functions. This can have a significant impact on your business operations, decision-making, and troubleshooting efforts. At KODE Labs, we are committed to maintaining high uptime for our software. We strive for 99.99% or higher uptime, ensuring that you can log in and access any page without issues. If there are any platform loading problems, we will inform you promptly.

If you are interested in troubleshooting or seeking further assistance, kindly find attached an article on Network KODE Connectivity for your reference or please contact us via email at [email protected]

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