Integration Log

Integration Log

The Integration Log report is a snapshot of the deployment status on a building basis which gives you an easy to follow user-experience providing all configuration/integration features in one place and showing what is done and remains to unlock the full functionality of KODE OS.

To access the new feature of the Integration Log go to KODE OS > click on the Deployment icon from the left main navigation bar. 

Integration Log consists of two main parts:

  1. Portfolio Score - the average score calculated based on the average of the configuration features/the widgets inside the Overall Report

  1. Overall Report - shows the overall data of what we have and where we stand in the integration part

As you are working and integrating new buildings, please make sure to refresh the report by clicking on the Reload button in order to get the latest data. The report won’t refresh automatically!

Hovering over or clicking on elements of this report will give you access to more detailed information by directly navigating to the filtered page of what you select.

Each of the widget data is visualized on 2 types of charts: Bar Chart and Pie Chart.

Overall Report

Overall Report is the average score of the Progress Report. In this report you will see 5 main configuration features: 

  • Data Sources

  • Devices

  • Points

  • Areas

  • Systems

 This report is divided in two sections:

  • Progress Report - is a total aggregation of the subitems/configuration features. Each widget shows what is done (green bar) and what remains (red bar).

  • Statistics - aggregated data of configuration features, expressed in numbers.

Data Sources

At the Data Source tab on the Progress Overview section you will see the “Device Discovery” widget showing if the data sources are discovered.  

You can click on the Take action button or on the chart to go directly to the Data Sources page and make further changes.  

On the Statistics section you will see 3 widgets:

  • Number of Devices by Data Source

  • Number of Points by Data Source

  • Total number of Data Sources grouped by Type

Each of the widget data is visualized on 2 types of charts: Bar Chart and Pie Chart.


At the Devices tab on the Progress Overview section you will see different widgets showing data associated with the device details. E.g. In the Devices progress report one of the widgets we can see is “Area Assignment” - the number of devices that have Area Assignment.

On the Statistics section you will see 3 widgets:

  • Total number of Devices grouped by Type

  • Total number of Virtual Devices grouped by Type

  • Total number of Devices grouped by Area


At the Points tab on the Progress Overview section you will see the “Templating” widget showing the number of templated and non-templated points. 

On the Statistics section you will see 2 widgets:

  • Total Number of Points grouped by Kind

  • Total Number of Points grouped by Type


At the Area tab on the Progress Overview section you will see the “Device Placement” widget showing the number of devices that are placed into floor plans and the “Floor Plan Upload” widget showing how many areas have graphics uploaded. 

On the Statistics section you will see the ”By Devices” widget. 

  • Total Number of Devices

    • Grouped by Area


At the Systems tab on the Progress Overview section you will see the “Device Placement” widget showing the number of devices that are placed into systems and the “Graphic Upload” widget showing how many systems have graphics uploaded. 

On the Statistics section you will see the ”Systems” widget.

  • Total Number of Systems

    • Grouped by System Type

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