Integration Architecture Visualization and Bulk Publishing

Integration Architecture Visualization and Bulk Publishing

We've fine-tuned myMSI to empower you with a visualization tool for a deeper understanding of network intricacies and introduced bulk operations to save time and reduce errors in data handling. Dive into how the Integration Architecture feature provides a holistic view of the connections between systems, gateways, and device profiles, facilitating better project planning, management, and troubleshooting. Plus, discover how the Bulk Publishing feature simplifies the deployment of systems, gateways, device profiles, and devices from project to site(s), saving time and reducing errors. This guide will walk you through the advantages of these features and demonstrate how they can enhance your project deployment process.

Why use these features?  

  • Enhanced Network Insight: The Integration Architecture offers a graphical depiction of how  Systems, Gateways, and Device Profiles interconnect within a Site. Project managers and Channel Partners will optimize planning and ensure configurations meet specific needs, ultimately improving overall project management efficiency.

  • Time and Effort Savings: The efficient bulk publishing feature significantly saves time and reduces the risk of errors during the project-to-site data transfer process. With this update, project managers and channel partners will have a more streamlined process for bulk operations, leading to faster and more accurate installations. 

How to use the Integration Architecture and Bulk Publishing

Maximize the potential of these new features with the following instructions: 

Integration Architecture

Accessing Integration Architecture:

  • From the Specific Site: In the site menu, you will directly see the "Integration Architecture" menu option.

  • From the Project: Within a project, find the Integration Architecture under "New Integrations."

Setting Up Connections:

  1. Select Your Project or Site: Choose the project or site for which you wish to set up connections.

  2. Navigate to Systems or Gateways:

    • From the main dashboard, access the Systems or Gateways section. This is where you'll create and manage your connections.

  3. Create a Link:

    • Select a system or gateway item you wish to link.

    • Choose the "Create Link" option. This allows you to establish connections between different systems or gateways.

  4. Configure Link Details:

    • Select Link Type: Choose from one of the link types—reads, reads/writes or unknown—based on the interaction level.

    • Choose Items to Link: Select other systems or gateways you want to link with the chosen item. You can select multiple items for broader integration.

    • Set Communication Protocol: Define the communication protocol for the connection. Options include Building Protocol or API, catering to different integration requirements.

  5. View in Integration Architecture:

    • After setting up the connections, you can view them in the Integration Architecture Tab. This centralized view helps you oversee and refine the network architecture efficiently.

Device Profile Linking:

Automatic Linking for Device Profiles: When you select a system for which a device profile is designed, it gets automatically linked. This simplification eliminates the need for manual linking of device profiles, ensuring that they are directly integrated into the system they are associated with, streamlining the overall setup process.

Integration Flow:

Whether you're working from a site or a project, the connection process remains consistent, ensuring ease of use
across the platform.

Bulk Deployment:

  1. Select the Bulk Deployment Option: Find this option in the project's "New Integrations" menu.

  2. Choose the Items for Publishing: Select the systems, device profiles, and gateways you wish to publish in bulk.

  3. Execute Bulk Deployment: Confirm your selections and initiate the bulk deployment process to publish the items to your selected site(s).

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