Incident Report

Incident Report

1-3: Overview Visualizations

1. Status & Areas widgets

Incidents are visually represented using these two widgets, enabling us to gain a graphical understanding of where the event or events occurred.
Additionally, they display the average event duration. For more comprehensive event information, please refer to the Table View (as indicated by
number 4 in the screenshot).

2. Domains & Device Types widgets

The Domain widget displays the domain in which the issue or failure has occurred. By hovering over the chart, you can view the specific number
of failures within that particular domain.
Meanwhile, the Device Types widget indicates the number of devices impacted by the incident. You can gain insight into the quantity of these
affected devices by hovering over this widget.

3. Overall Impact

This is a timeline view of the same data provided in the Status & Areas widgets.
In this visualization, the number of devices affected are represented by the color value; the darker the color, the greater the number of devices affected.
This enables the user to identify insights and patterns along the time dimension.

4-5: Events Analysis

4. Table View

This is the list of all Events that contributed to this Incident.  Here you can do some preliminary analysis by sorting columns and looking for commonalities.
  1. Click on a row to open up that Event Report.
  2. Click on the device to go to its Device Details page.

5. Select Points Button

If you want to be able to look at point trends across multiple devices, click on this button to open up a dialogue that will enable you to choose any combination of points across all devices impacted by this incident.
Once points are selected and applied, a new component will appear below the table containing that information.

6-9: Incident Details & Triage

6. Details

This window provides information about the incident, including the building where it occurred, its priority level, start and end dates, its current status, duration, and acknowledgment status.

7. Activity Log

The logged activity of changes regarding this incident.

8. Assignees

The individuals to whom this incident has been assigned are listed here. You can easily filter the Incidents Table on the Incident Landing Page to display only those assigned to you by selecting the checkbox labeled “show only assigned to me”.


In this section, you can enter any thoughts or comments related to this incident. Utilize these comments to communicate your findings or specify the next steps you would like the assigned person to take in order to resolve the issue.

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