Client Connectivity Solution

Client Connectivity Solution

KODE Labs offers two primary methods for initiating platform integration: IPSec and Reverse Proxy. Each option comes with its own set of requirements and benefits tailored to suit diverse client environments.

IPSec Connectivity

The IPSec Solution offers a robust and secure method for establishing VPN tunnels, ensuring encrypted communication between client networks and our servers. 


  • Static Public IP Address: To establish a secure VPN tunnel, clients must have a Static Public IP Address. While many users have Dynamic IPs that change periodically, a Static IP ensures consistent connectivity.

  • Router Compatibility: Client routers should be capable of creating VPN tunnels with our pfSense or Juniper routers. Note that certain routers, like Cisco Meraki, might have complex VPN setup procedures with non-Cisco routers.

  • Encryption and Authentication: Both sides of the VPN connection must configure identical encryption algorithms and authentication methods, typically authenticated using a Pre-Shared Key.

Reverse Proxy Connectivity

The Reverse Proxy solution simplifies internet exposure for your services by seamlessly redirecting incoming traffic, eliminating the need for intricate network configurations.


  • Local Device Hosting: Clients need a device on the same network as the Controller/JACE capable of hosting the Cloudflare Agent. This device can be a laptop, PC, or VM with internet and direct connectivity to the Controller.

  • Operating System Compatibility: We support various operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, Debian, Red Hat, and technologies like Docker.


  • IPSec: Requires careful consideration of compatibility and configuration. Clients may need guidance from our team for a successful setup.

  • Reverse Proxy: Offers a simpler setup with less control over the tunnel and fewer troubleshooting options. However, it requires minimal infrastructure and can be easily managed by clients with our provided instructions. Alternatively, clients can grant us remote access to assist with the setup.

For more information regarding the KODE Connectivity please refer to this additional documentation:

 1. KODE OS VPN Connectivity
 2. KODE OS Reverse Proxy

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