FAQ for Trusted Organizations Management

FAQ for Trusted Organizations Management

  1. How Do I Navigate to the Trusted Organization Tab?

    • The "Trusted Organization" tab is accessible from the Company module, featuring two nested tabs: "Outbound" and "Inbound."

  2. What is Displayed in the Outbound Organization List?

    • The "Outbound" tab lists organizations that have trust settings with your organization.

  3. What Information is Available in the Outbound Tab Table Columns?

    • The "Outbound" tab's table displays Organization Name, Organization Domain, and MFA Setup status (Inherited or Enforced).

  4. How is MFA Setup Displayed in the Outbound Tab?

    • The MFA setup field accurately shows whether MFA is inherited or enforced for your users when visiting other organizations.

  5. What Can I Find in the Inbound Organization List?

    • The "Inbound" tab displays organizations that your organization has trust settings with.

  6. What Columns are in the Inbound Tab Table?

    • The "Inbound" tab's table includes columns for Organization Name, Organization Domain, MFA Setup, and Actions (View and Update).

  7. Can I Update MFA Setup in the Inbound Tab?

    • Yes, you can update the MFA setup for an organization in the "Inbound" tab, and the update should be correctly reflected.

  8. What Options are Available for Updating MFA Setup in the Inbound Tab?

    • The "Update MFA Setup" field in the "Inbound" tab provides options to select between "Inherited" and "Enforced."

  9. What Happens When MFA Setup is Updated to 'Inherited' in the Inbound Tab?

    • Updating MFA setup to "Inherited" means guest users from that organization inherit MFA settings from their main organization.

  10.  What Does it Mean to Enforce MFA Setup in the Inbound Tab?

    • Setting an MFA setup to "Enforced" obligates guest users from that organization to adhere to your organization's MFA settings.

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