FAQ for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Use Cases

FAQ for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Use Cases

1. Is MFA Enforced by Default for All Users?

  • No, by default, MFA is not enforced for users, and they are not prompted to set up MFA during login.

2. Is MFA Required for Users Logging in with Email & Password?

  • When specifically configured, only users logging in with Email & Password will be prompted to set up and complete MFA.

3. Can Admins Configure Different MFA Options?

  • Yes, admins can configure various MFA options, such as requiring MFA every login, remembering for 7 or 30 days on known devices. Users will see these options during setup.

4. Does the System Use Device Fingerprinting for MFA Validation?

  • Yes, device fingerprints are generated on the first login, saved, and associated with user accounts for MFA validation.

5. Will Changing Browsers Trigger MFA?

  • Yes, changing the browser will prompt Multi-factor Authentication, regardless of the selected 7-day or 30-day frequency.

6. Does Removing Cookies Trigger MFA?

  • Removing cookies will trigger MFA, independent of the chosen frequency setting.

7. Will Users Be Prompted for MFA Setup on Next Login After MFA Requirements Are Added?

  • Yes, existing users will be prompted to set up MFA on their next login if MFA requirements are added.

8. How Does MFA Work for Multiple Users in One Browser?

  • When multiple users log in from one browser, each user maintains their own MFA validation settings, unaffected by other users’ settings, even in mixed modes of browsing.

9. Can Users Configure MFA for Their Accounts?

  • Yes, users can configure MFA settings for their accounts, which are validated during login.

10. What Happens When an Admin Configures MFA for an Organization?

  • Users' MFA configurations will be updated according to the organization settings. Users will default to the minimum available option if a previously selected option is removed.

11. What Happens If MFA Valid Remember Time Is Greater Than Session Timeout?

  • Users will be prompted for MFA verification after the session timeout, even if they have a valid MFA memory time.

12. What Happens If MFA Valid Remember Time Is Less Than Session Timeout?

  • Users will be prompted for MFA verification before the session timeout occurs.

13. What If MFA Valid Remember Time Is Equal to Session Timeout?

  • Users will be prompted for MFA verification exactly at the session timeout.

14. What Happens If MFA Valid Remember Time Is Set to 0?

  • Users will be prompted for MFA verification every time they log in.

15. Can Admins Reset MFA for a User?

  • Yes, an admin can reset MFA for a user, requiring them to set up MFA again on the next login.

16. Is It Possible to Disable MFA for a User?

  • Yes, an admin can disable MFA for a user, allowing new users to log in without MFA. Existing users will still be prompted for 2FA.

17. Does MFA Work on Various Mobile Devices and Browsers?

  • MFA should work seamlessly across different mobile devices and browsers.

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