FAQ for Account Management Use Cases

FAQ for Account Management Use Cases

1. How is the Account List Displayed in Account Management?

  • The Account Management tab displays a comprehensive list of all organization accounts, including columns for Name, Email, Status, MFA Setup Status (Active/Inactive), Linked Users, and Date Created.

2. Can the Account List Be Sorted?

  • Yes, users can sort the account list in ascending or descending order based on selected columns.

3. How is MFA Setup Status Displayed for Each Account?

  • MFA Setup Status is displayed as "Active" for accounts with configured MFA and "Inactive" for those without MFA.

4. Does the Linked Users Count Reflect Accurate Data?

  • The Linked Users column accurately shows the count of users linked to each account.

5. Is the Account Creation Date Displayed Correctly?

  • Yes, the Date Created column accurately displays the creation date for each account.

6. How Does Account Status Update Work?

  • Account status can be updated (activated, deactivated, etc.), and changes should reflect immediately.

7. Is There a Search Functionality for Accounts?

  • Yes, there is a search functionality to find specific accounts based on the entered criteria.

8. What Happens When an Account is Deactivated and Reactivated?

  • On deactivation, the account becomes inactive and upon reactivation, it becomes active again.

9. Can Account Details Include Special Characters?

  • Yes, account details can include special characters, and changes should be saved without errors.

10. How Does Account List Pagination Work?

  • Pagination allows navigation through multiple pages of accounts for ease of access.

11. Are General Account Information Details Displayed Accurately?

  • Yes, general information like user name, email, status, MFA status, and more are displayed accurately.

12. Is There a Search Functionality in the Linked Users Table?

  • Yes, users can search within the linked users table to find specific users.

13. Can General Information for Accounts Be Edited?

  • Users can edit general information for accounts, and changes should be saved successfully.

14. How Does Deactivating an Account Work?

  • Deactivating an account changes its status to "Inactive," making it no longer active for login purposes.

15. Can Set Up Emails Be Resend?

  • Yes, setup emails can be resend, particularly when email and password are active sign-in methods.

16. How to Change Sign-In Methods for an Account?

  • Sign-in methods can be updated, including selecting/deselecting external IDPs and modifying email/password settings.

17. What Happens When an Account is Deleted?

  • Upon deletion, the account and all linked users are removed from the account list.

18. Is Access Denied After Removing Active Sign-In Methods?

  • Yes, unauthorized access is prevented when active sign-in methods are removed, and an error message is displayed.

19. How Does the System Handle a Large Number of Linked Users?

  • The system should efficiently handle and display a large number of linked users.

20. What Occurs When Changing Sign-In Method with No Available IDPs?

  • The save button is disabled, and the system prevents removing all external IDPs.

21. Is There a Confirmation Process for Deleting Accounts?

  • Yes, a confirmation dialog appears when attempting to delete an account.

22. What is the Status of an Account After Multiple Wrong Login Attempts?

  • The account status is updated to "Locked," and login is not possible until unlocked.

23. How to Unlock an Account from the Account Details Page?

  • Accounts can be unlocked from their details page, changing their status to "Active."

24. What Options are Available After Unlocking an Account?

  • Post-unlocking, options like "Deactivate" and "Resend Setup Email" are available, and the "Unlock" button disappears.

25. How to Filter by Account Status?

  • Accounts can be filtered by status: active, locked, and inactive, showing only accounts matching the selected criteria.

26. Can Accounts Be Filtered by MFA Setup Status?

  • Yes, filtering by Active or Inactive MFA Setup displays accounts corresponding to the chosen MFA status.

27. How Do Combination Filters Work?

  • Combination filters like Active Accounts with Active MFA Setup show only accounts that meet both criteria.

28. What Happens When No Accounts Meet the Filter Criteria?

  • If no accounts meet the filter criteria, the table will be empty or display a no-match message.

29. Is There a Function to Clear All Filters?

  • Yes, users can clear all filters to display all accounts without any restrictions.

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