Event Library

Event Library

KODE OS automatically monitors the operation of your equipment and will raise a user’s awareness whenever event threshold conditions are met.

Out of the box, KODE OS supports an event library that can be deployed to monitor HVAC, Fire, Infrastructure, and generator equipment. KODE OS will monitor each piece of equipment for Low/High Limits, Off Setpoints, Offnormal, or Status events.

A generic list of routines is provided below and can be further customized within KODE OS to correspond to particular points and pieces of equipment.

System Admins can view the event library by navigating to the Routines module on the left hand sidebar. To activate routines on your portfolio please see our Event Configuration article.






Low/High Limit

Booster Pump System Press

Booster Pump System Pressure Limit Event - Pressure is 20 psi below set point


Low/High Limit

Booster Sys Press

Booster Pump system pressure alarm. Pressure below 175 psi


Low/High Limit

Booster Suction Press

Booster Pump suction pressure alarm. Pressure below 30 psi


Low/High Limit

Temp High Limit

Temperature greater than 85 degrees farenheight (depending on equipment type)


Low/High Limit

Temp Low Limit

Temperature less than 55 degrees farenheight (depending on equipment type)


Low/High Limit

Air Pressure Event

Air Compressor pressure is out of range (great than 20 psi, less than 8 psi)


Low/High Limit

Boiler Loop Temp Event

Boiler Loop Temperature is out of range. (Greater than 195 degF, Less than 70 degF)


Low/High Limit

Steam Pressure Event

Steam Pressure is out of range. (Greater than 26 psi, Less than 13 psi)


Low/High Limit

Tower Loop Temp Event

Tower Loop Temperature is out of range. (Greater than 100 degF, Less than 50 degF)


Low/High Limit

Chiller Loop Temp Event

Chiller Loop Temperature is out of range. (Greater than 60 degF, Less than 38 degF) when Chiller Status is enabled


Low/High Limit

CO High Limit

CO High Limit Event - CO Levels are greater than 400 for 5 minutes


Low/High Limit

NO2 High Limit

NO2 High Limit Event - NO2 Levels are greater than 2 ppm for 2.5 minutes


Low/High Limit

C02 High Limit

C02 greater than setpoint by 200 ppm


Off Setpoint

Off Setpoint Event

Off Setpoint Event - Temperature has exceeded a Single Setpoint by +/- 2 degF


Off Setpoint

Off Setpoint Event w/ Occ

Off Setpoint Event - Temperature has exceeded a Single Setpoint by +/- 2 degF with Occupancy reference



Pump Cmd Failure

Pump Command Failure



Fan Cmd Failure

Fan Command Failure


Low/High Limit

Generator Fuel Level

Generator Fuel Level below 50%



Generator Event - Not In Auto

Generator Event - Boolean Not In Auto



Fire - Alarm

Fire Alarm Point where value is Alarm or Active



Fire - Alarm w/ Bypass

Fire Alarm Point where value equals Alarm or Active and Bypass point is available



Fire - Bypass

Fire Bypass Point Where Value Equals Bypass



Fire - Fault

Fire Alarm point where value equals Fault



Fire - Fault w Bypass

Fire Alarm point where value equals Fault and Bypass point is available

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