Enum Mapping

Enum Mapping

KODE OS is taking steps to unlock the full power of automation and control. Now with the ability to map enums into the universal language that powers KODE OS, our functional testing , fault detection, optimized start stop, and insights will work at greater quality and greater scale. Enum mapping is used to unify the boolean and string values, and it works based on our Ontology rules.

Navigate to Enum Mapping

Enum Mapping is available inside of Points Apply Template Page.
Whenever you template a boolean or string point you will now see a window on the right side of the point group indicating that there are enums inside.


If all enums are mapped already, then no further action is required, but you can always review the mapping by clicking on the window.

If there are unmapped enums, you will see a red dot indicator on the window. You will also see these devices flagged in the ontology report.

Mapping Enums

Mapping enums is simple. On the right side of the window you will see a list of all possible values that point you are mapping could take. On the left side of the window, you’ll see the standardized values of KODE OS.

When mapping writable points, you’ll have the option to double click the value which should be written to by default in automation algorithms.

The purpose of enum mapping is so that KODE OS features like OSS, FTT, FDD are more effective and more scalable across all the devices we encounter and their multiple ways of representing the state they are. One concrete example is looking at Occupied Mode point and all its forms of i.e. OCC, Occ, Occupied, OCCUPIED, etc.

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