Device types that have symmetrical references applicable (e.g. feeds and isFeedby) can be connected together.
For instance:
AHU and a VAV
AHU feeds many VAVs but a VAV isFedBy by only one AHU.
A CHILLER isAssociatedWith a LOOPSYTEM, while a LOOPSYSTEM hasAssociatedTag with many CHILLERS.
Individual Device Level
Navigate to a Device of your choice.
From device details, navigate to the References icon in the right side bar.
From the window that opens up, click on the button.
The Add Reference popup page will open up.
Select the type of reference from the Type drop down menu.
Select the reference type and select the device that you want to refer to t Add.
The referenced devices will show up on the right window when you click References icon in the right side bar.
The Add Reference popup page will open up.
Select the type of reference from the Type drop down menu.
Select the devices you want to reference and click on Add.