Device Connectivity and FTT Reporting Manual

Device Connectivity and FTT Reporting Manual

Device Connectivity Report

The Device Connectivity Report displays the data sources and devices uptime and downtime status on a portfolio level, but allows you to filter individual buildings, areas and data sources, as well as move in time.

In order for a Device Connectivity Report to function effectively, clients are required to have their devices templated. This means that the clients need to integrate their devices onto our platform. Without this integration, the report cannot be generated or provide accurate information.

Note: To create the data for the Device Connectivity Report initially, they need to be generated by our internal team the first time. We'll provide the initial URL for the first building, and then you can proceed to add data for other buildings (sites).
The generation of the Device Connectivity Report requires a minimum of one month's worth of data from the devices. Additionally, it is crucial that the devices are properly assigned to their respective floors for accurate reporting.

How to create Device Connectivity Dashboards within a client that has already the data generated

o create a Device Connectivity report for any client please follow the steps below:

Create a new dashboard and name it "Device Connectivity Report."

 Click on the three dots located on the left side and select "Add Widgets."

Choose "Camera" from the available options.

In the "Card Configuration" section, select "iFrame" as the Camera Type. You can choose a Card name as per your preference then click next.

For the filter section you will need the URL.

Here may find the the URL:

Next, please copy the link from the Device Connectivity of the specific client and paste it in the designated field.

  1. Yellow highlighted - The Domain Name refers to the specific name or label assigned to the client's domain. It represents the unique identifier associated with the client's account or organization within the system.
  2. Red highlighted - The Building ID represents the unique identifier for the domain's building, distinguishing it from others.
  3. Purple highlighted - Token - The token is a unique identifier used for authentication or authorization purposes. In the Device Connectivity Report, the token remains the same for all client.

 Once done click "Next" and then "Save."

Following these steps will allow you to create a Device Connectivity Report for a client. Please ensure that the client's devices are properly integrated into the platform for accurate information in the report.

How to create FTT Report

To create a FTT Report for any client please follow the steps below:

Create a new dashboard and name it "FTT Report"

Click on the three dots located on the left side and select "Add Widgets" then choose "Camera" from the available options

In the "Card Configuration" section, select "iFrame" as the Camera Type. You can choose a Card name as per your preference.

The URL is found from the Launchpad, Here may find an example of the URL:

  1. Purple highlighted - Organization ID - The Organization ID is a unique identifier assigned to the client's organization within our Platform.

  1. Yellow highlighted  - The Building ID represents the unique identifier for the domain's building, distinguishing it from others.


Once you have completed the necessary steps and configurations for the FTT Report, proceed by clicking on the "Next" button. After reviewing the information and ensuring its accuracy, click on the "Save" button to finalize and save the FTT Report.

Note: FTT Reports will not generate any data if no FTT tests have been conducted for any of the buildings associated with the client. It is important to ensure that FTT tests have been performed in order to obtain meaningful data and insights in the FTT Reports.

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