Details & Team Menus

Details & Team Menus

Details Menu

On the Details Menu, you will see a high-level overview of the project that includes information such as:

  • Project Name

  • Created Date

  • Start Date

  • Substantial Completion Date

  • Training Date

  • Estimated End Date

  • Actual End Date

  • Project Status

Edit or Delete Project Details

By clicking "Edit," you can modify all the project details and then click "Save" to apply the changes.

Additionally, you have the option to delete the project by clicking "Delete" in the upper right corner. A confirmation popup will appear to confirm the deletion.

Adding Sites in Details Menu

At the bottom of the page, there is a "Site" section where you can add sites by clicking on "+New Site." From the popup window list, choose the site you want to add, then click "Save" to finalize the addition.

Team Menu

The Project "Team" menu is where you can view all the companies involved in the uplift or integration of your smart building project. You will also be able to view the contact information of the specific employees from each firm working on your project. 

Filters in Team Menu

You can easily filter the items by company using the Filter button, which is located at the top right corner of the tab. Click on the Filter button, select the company you wish to view from the dropdown menu, and then click Save. This action will filter the list to display only the people associated with the selected company.

Assign Members

On the Team page, you will see the list of all team members from where you can assign new members as well.

  • Click on the “Assign Members” button.

  • Select the user(s).

  • Click on the “Save” button.

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