Deployment Audit

Deployment Audit

As your building is integrated into KODE OS, the feature in our platform “Deployment Audit” will offer insights into the integration process by defining which systems and devices have been successfully integrated and which are in the process. 

The Deployment Audit report is a snapshot of the deployment status on a building basis which gives you an easy to follow user-experience, providing all configuration/integration features in one place and showing what has been done, as well as remains to be integrated in order  to unlock the full functionality of KODE OS.

This feature goes beyond tracking different buildings. It also provides valuable insights throughout deployment by identifying key issues on the path toward project completion.

Choose the site or building you wish to access from the Portfolio View.

Navigate to the Deployment Audit section located in the bar and there you may find the average score of the overall report per building integration.

Overall Report

The Overall Report is the average score of the Progress Report. 

  • Progress Report - is a total aggregation of the subitems/configuration features. Each widget shows what is done and what remains. 

E.g: In the Devices progress report, one of the widgets we can see is “Area Assignment” - the number of devices that have Area Assignment.

  • Statistics - aggregated data of configuration features, expressed in numbers.
    E.g: In the Devices progress report, one of the widgets we can see is “By Type” - the number of devices that belong to each device type.

Hovering over or clicking on elements of this report will give you access to more detailed information by directly navigating to the filtered page of the element selected.

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