Contractors Menu

Contractors Menu

The Contractor tab provides an efficient way to manage contractors for your project. You can assign or remove contractors, as well as add new offices if needed. This feature helps streamline project management by keeping contractor details organized and easily accessible.

Assign Contractors to Projects

To assign a contractor to your project:

  • Click on the “Assign Contractor” button on the top right.

  • Choose the contractor on the popup window that opens up. Select the Contractor and the Office from the list.

  • If the office of your contractor does not exist or you want to add a new office, click on the “+ New Office”  button to add a new one, and it will redirect you to the Contractors > Site > Offices.

  • Click on “Save” and now you have assigned a contractor to your project.

Note: To add new Contractors this should be done from the Contractor module, in this way it will show up in this list.

Remove Contractors from Projects

To remove a contractor from your projects:

  • From the list of assigned contractors click on the trash can icon at the far right of the contractor's row three dots.

  • Click on the “Yes, Delete” button, and you have removed the contractor from your project.

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