Contractors Menu
At the Contractors menu you will see a list of all existing contractors. Here you can add, export and import Contractors.
Click “+ New Contractor” in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
Fill in the Required Information:
Contractor’s Name
Office Name
Office Address
Click Save. Your created contractor will appear on the list.
Click Export/Import in the top right corner of your screen.
A popup will appear at the bottom right of your screen, informing you that your list has been exported successfully.
Click Download, and the list of your contractors will be saved to your default download location.
To import a contractor, use the specified template, which can be downloaded from the popup page that appears after clicking Import.
Complete the Excel template
Upload or drag the file to the designated area and click Save
Manufacturers Menu
By navigating to the Manufacturer menu you can view a list of all current manufacturers. The process is identical to that on the Contractors page, including adding, exporting, and importing manufacturers.
To view specific details about a contractor or manufacturer, navigate to the Contractors or Manufacturers section and select the desired one. Click on any contractor or manufacturer listed, to open their pages.
If you click on any Contractor you will see the left bar section which has four pages: Details, Team, Offices, and Projects.
The Details page contains the contractor’s key information. Here's what you can do on this page:
To view Contractor Information:
To edit Contractor Information:
Click the Edit Pencil Icon to change the contractor’s Name, Category, and Website.
Click Save to apply your changes.
To Delete a Contractor, select icon and confirm by clicking "Delete."
The Team page lists all team members of the contractor. You can manage team members as follows:
Click "Add Member" on the top right corner of your screen and fill in the required information:
First and Last Name
Click on the specific member and the page with the member details will be open, then click"Choose Offices" to assign users to their office.
Select the office you wish to use and click Save to complete and finalize the process.
After these steps are completed you will see the office added to the user.
The Offices page in the Contractors section displays all existing offices. You can manage offices as follows:
Modify Office Details:
Click the Edit Pencil Icon at the end of the representative row to make modifications.
Add New Office:
Go to the Offices Page.
Click "Add Office."
Fill in the required information.
Click Save.
The Projects page in the Contractors section displays all projects that they were assigned on . You can manage projects as follows:
Export Project List:
Click "Export" to download the list of projects.
Filter Projects:
Click "Filters" for a more specific view of the projects list.
By clicking on a specific project it will redirect you to the Project main Page.
By navigating to the Manufacturer tab and clicking on one of the Manufacturers you can view specific details about that manufacturer. The Manufacturer specifics section is divided into three pages: Details, Team, and Office. Also here the process is identical to that on the Contractors page, including deleting editing, and adding team members.