Attachments Menu

Attachments Menu

The attachments module allows you to add and manage attachments for each project, streamlining your workflow by providing easy access to details and an organized view of device lists, drawings, or any site information.

Add new Attachment

Once clicking on the Add Attachment button on the top right of your screen it will open up a page from where you can add files from your computer.

  • You can upload or drop files by clicking on the Select or drop files here section.

  • Add one or multiple files at once > Choose Folders Name > Pick up a Date > Click Save and the file/s will be uploaded.

  • To unselect the file from this view, simply click the Minus Iconin red.

Edit, Delete, and  Download Attachments or Folders


To manage an existing folder, select the desired folder and use the buttons: Download, Edit, or Delete located at the top right.

  • Edit: Clicking Edit will open a pop-up page displaying information about the attachments within the folder, such as File Type, Title, Folder, and Document Date. Here, you can change the title of the attachments, move attachments between folders, or update the Document Date. After making any changes, click Save.

  • Delete: To delete a folder, click on the trash icon and confirm the deletion. This will remove the folder along with all its attachments.

  • Download: To download the folder, simply click Download, and the folder will be saved to your computer.


To manage an existing attachment, click on the three dots at the end of the row for the respective attachment. This method allows you to edit, delete, or download the attachment directly from the attachments section.

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