Ontology Updates: April 2024

Ontology Updates: April 2024

This month, we’ll add updated fields relevant to the Disruptive Technologies API (Presence Detection, Leak detection, and Air Quality) and then extended airside equipment to include Filter Statistics and Occupancy Overrides, and added Car and Bike counters to Traffic Counter.

Disruptive Technologies

Update to Presence Detection (presenceDetection)

  • add Network Strength Sensing, which includes the fields:

    • signal_strength_power_sensor

    • signal_strength_percentage_sensor

  • add Motion Monitoring, which includes the field:

    • motion_detection_sensor

  • add Battery Level Monitoring, which includes the field:

    • battery_percentage_sensor

Update to Leak Detection (leakDetection)

  • add Water Leak Detection Sensing, which includes the fields:

    • water_leak_detection_status

Update to Air Quality (airQuality)

  • add Network Strength Sensing, which includes the fields:

    • signal_strength_power_sensor

    • Signal_strength_percentage_sensor

  • add Battery Level Monitoring, which includes the field:

  • battery_percentage_sensor

Filter Runtime

Update to AHU, FCU, FAN, Heat Pump

  • add Filter Statistics, which includes the fields:

    • filter_run_time_accumulator

    • filter_run_time_setpoint

Bike & Car Counters

Update to Traffic Counter (trafficCounter)

  • add Bike Counter, which includes the fields:

    • bike_entering_counter

    • bike_leaving_counter

    • bike_net_count

  • add Car Counter, which includes the fields:

    • car_entering_counter

    • car_leaving_counter

    • car_net_count

Local Occupancy Override

Update to AHU, FCU, VAV, Heat Pump

  • add Local Occupancy Override, which includes the field:

    • user_occupancy_override_status

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